Monday, 10 February 2014

Pick up patience

This painting is one of my favourites from my collection of shoot paintings 2013.  It was one of those magical moments where owner and dog were at one - completely oblivious to my artistic intentions!  They were focused on the beaters coming through the woods to flush the birds.  They were focused and waiting so patiently!

And for this reason, I would love to dedicate this post to a very special lady.  For all my art friends, if you haven't been introduced to "your art image" - Kathryn Roberts is an entrepreneur and business owner providing coaching and courses for developing your art business and finding balance between your personal and financial aspirations.  Kathryn also sends free weekly artists action points by email and I always find that her emails are totally relevant and thought provoking.

Todays email with the "Artist Action Point" was about focusing and being patient....fabulous!
Thank you Kathryn for your great emails and courses.

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Tulip Time - National Trust