Tuesday 28 February 2012

Big Cat, Little Cat!

I've named this painting - "That's Mine!" due to the intense expression on this cat's face.

Watercolour can be so exciting, particularly when you take chances and try to work with the paint, rather than trying to control it. I love that it has a will of its own - paint with attitude!

This was an exciting and spontaneous piece to paint and I made bold decisions! Colours were dropped onto the paper that I'd wetted, followed by the addition of thick strokes of deep rich paint. I watched the watercolour paint on the paper work its magic and, it was only when it was starting to dry, that I lifted very small sections where needed with a dry brush.

Simply Magic!!!



  1. Simply magic is certainly the right words to use for your work Kaye - this is gorgeous. As always you've captured this cat's soul in it's eyes. Stunning.


    Karen x

  2. Thanks Karen, eyes are so exciting to paint - when you get that expression just right, it's a great feeling! Hope you are ok and that we meet soon xx

  3. Thanks Arti for taking the time to comment on my work :-)


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